Jan 19, 2017 Hymen: a thin membrane that surrounds the opening to the vagina. Hymens can come in different shapes. The most common hymen in young .Dec 18, 2015 Consider this your go-to guide for everything you need to know about your hymen.the hymen, hymen pics, hymen photo, hymen, hymen pictures, all about hymen, tampon and hymen, broken hymen, defloration hymen.Define hymen. hymen synonyms, hymen pronunciation, hymen translation, English dictionary definition of hymen. n. Greek Mythology The god of marriage. n. A membranous.
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The hymen is a ring of tissue that fully or partially blocks the entrance to the vagina.The hymen (also called maidenhead) is a membrane-like tissue that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening allowing virgins to menstruate.Hymen definition, a fold of mucous membrane partly closing the external orifice of the vagina in a virgin.The hymen has been the subject of many urban legends and virginity debates for centuries, but what's actually true and what isn't.
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Hymen - A Marker of Virginity? - What is the definition of a hymen? Learn about the anatomy and function of the hymen, a component of the female reproductive system.The hymen is a thin membrane, which in virgins is found at the lower end of the vagina. We look at the most common hymen problems.The hymen is the stuff of legend and lore in many cultures, the treasured prize a woman gives her husband on their wedding night. To the extent this still holds.The physiological purpose of the hymen is one of the eternal mysteries of women's bodies. Although it doesn't seem to have a specific function, it's thought.
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A young man may wonder how to break a girl's hymen if he and she are thinking about having sex. The answer depends upon the girl in question. In fact, many girls.Mar 24, 2017 The hymen has been the subject of many urban legends and virginity debates for centuries, but what's actually true and what isn't.Dear Reader, Thank you for visiting SexInfo! If you are curious about what your hymen looks like, you can use a flashlight and a mirror to see inside your vaginal canal.Hymen (Ancient Greek: Ὑμήν), Hymenaios or Hymenaeus, in ancient Greece, was a god of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song. Related to the god's.
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A thin, elastic membrane stretched partly or completely across the entrance of the vagina (vestibule). It has no known biological function. An intact hymen has .The Hymen. The hymen is a thin piece of mucosal tissue that surrounds and partially covers the vaginal opening (also called the introitus).1 Every hymen is shaped.Hymen: In Greek mythology, the god of marriage, whose name derives from the refrain of an ancient marriage song. Unknown to Homer, he was mentioned first.Browse Hymen pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket.
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The hymen is a membrane that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It forms part of the vulva, or external genitalia, and is similar.The hymen is a membrane that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It forms part of the vulva, or external genitalia, and is similar.Find answers to questions about girls' bodies, including puberty and sex, periods, vaginal discharge, and getting pregnant. Every girl is born with a hymen.A thin, elastic membrane stretched partly or completely across the entrance of the vagina (vestibule). It has no known biological function. An intact hymen.
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A virgin is someone who’s never had sex. People define “sex” and “losing your virginity” in different ways. Don't feel pressured, wait until you are ready.A virgin is someone who's never had sex. People define “sex” and “losing your virginity” in different ways. Don't feel pressured, wait until you are ready.Jul 31, 2013 The hymen is a thin membrane that surrounds the opening of the vagina. Hymens can come in different shapes. The most common hymen.The hymen is a piece of tissue that lines the vaginal opening. It has an opening that is typically the size of your finger.
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