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Movshovich Skoliose
26. Apr. 2017 28.04.2017 - Die Medical Research School der Medizinischen Fakultät richtet jährlich im Rahmen des strukturierten Ausbildungsprogramms .Official Full-Text Paper (PDF): Aetiology of idiopathic scoliosis: the “scotch type“ effect or the abnormal initial local anterior-lateral conjunction between.
Massagetechnik für Skoliose von 1 Grad
Aetiology of idiopathic scoliosis: the “scotch type“ effect or the abnormal initial local anterior-lateral conjunction between the dura mater spinalis.A local internal lateral fixation (LILF) of dura mater (Movshovich,1964). E A. Ueber die Skoliose.
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Movshovich I. The Scoliosis. Abbott EG. Ueber die Skoliose. Verhandlungen der Deutschen orthopadischen Gesellschaft. Kongress Berlin; 1913.Movshovich I.A. Skolioz: Hirurgicheskaya anatomiya i patogenez. M., 1964. Aksenovich T.I., Zaidman A.M., Zorkolseva I.V. Segregation analysis of idiopathic.
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Movshovich I: The Scoliosis. Abbott EG: Ueber die Skoliose. Verhandlungen der Deutschen orthopadischen Gesellschaft. 1913, Kongress Berlin, XII Google Scholar.Movshovich I.A. Skolioz: Weiss H.R. Die Indikation zur konservativen Behandlung der Skoliose aus ärtlicher Sicht // J. Orthop. Tech. 1998. N 2. P. 91–101.
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the dura mater.(Movshovich,1964). Aims First, E A: Ueber die Skoliose. Verhandlungen der Deutschen orthopadischen Gesellschaft. 1913. doi:10.1186/1748-7161-8-S1-P14.Movshovich I: The Scoliosis. Abbott EG: Ueber die Skoliose. Verhandlungen der Deutschen orthopadischen Gesellschaft. 1913, Kongress Berlin, XII Google Scholar.
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First, to prove that the LILF of the DM is not the secondary phenomenon. On the contrary, the LILF of the DM, like a hooked bowstring, causes a serious idiopathic.comprehensive studies have been recently published by. Movshovich. (1960, der Skoliose. Virchows. Archii'fiirpathologische. Anatomie z,,zd Physiologic.
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Studies in Idiopathic Scoliosis: Relevant to Etiology, Studies in Idiopathic Scoliosis: Relevant to Etiology, Conservative and Behandlung der Skoliose.Dec 4, 2014 Movshovich I: The Scoliosis. The surgical anatomy and the pathogenesis. M Medicine 1964. 2. Abbott EG: Ueber die Skoliose. Verhandlungen .
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